The Spanish Government wants to reach 1,327 entrepreneurship classrooms in Professional Training to promote startups
During the 2022-2023 school year, 1,327 entrepreneurship classrooms for Professional Training will be funded in Spain: 374 brand-new ones, which will join the 496 ones created with 2020 funding and the 457 ones with 2021 funding. They mean an organizational, technical and infrastructural support through these crucial starting phases to craft a framework of encouragement and development of startups.
These classrooms seek to channel the students’ entrepreneurship initiatives at school, including those from the graduates, by means of a system of coaching, guidance and tutoring of the entrepreneurial ideas that they contribute with themselves, as well as through their participation in projects with other entities and organizations. That is what the General Secretariat for Professional Training’s July 11, 2022 resolution marks, by means of which the June 23, 2022 Agreement of the Sectorial Conference of Education is published, which results in the approving of the proposal for territorial distribution and of the criteria for the distribution of the credit managed by the autonomous communities in the budgetary year of 2022.
This measure falls within the context of the Modernization Plan of Professional Training with funding coming from the Ministry of Education and Professional Training’s budget and understood within the frame of the Component 20 “Strategic Plan for the Promotion of Professional Training”, part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
Translated by Andrea Expósito Santana