The second phase of the Digital Kit program begins with an investment of 500 million euros for SMEs with three to nine workers


Impulsa Innovación / Editorial Staff


Among the important advances made in recent months in terms of digitalisation, the deployment of the Digital Kit plan has been addressed, the first call for which has been requested to date by more than 65,000 SMEs with between 10 and 49 workers, approximately one in two companies of this group. Some 18,000 digital vouchers have already been granted.

Before the end of the month it is expected to launch the second phase of the plan for companies with between 3 and 9 workers, with an investment of 500 million euros. Specifically, with regard to the digitization of small businesses, micro-businesses and self-employed people, the Recovery Plan plans to allocate a volume of public investment of 3,067 million euros in the 2021-2023 period for the deployment of a set of digital solutions already available on the market (“Digital Kit”) in the productive fabric of small businesses, micro-businesses and self-employed people in the Spanish economy.

The Digital Kit Program aims to grant aid to small businesses, micro-businesses and self-employed people for the adoption of digitization solutions available on the market. Beneficiaries will receive aid based on their size, measuring it according to their number of employees.

The collection right that arises from the concession resolution is called a “digital bond”. This “digital bonus” cannot be made effective until the Digitizing Agent, on behalf of the beneficiary and being the beneficiary ultimately responsible, presents the corresponding account justifying the performance of the activity for which the subsidy is granted and the granting body considers it justified. the grant.

For the management of the program, the participation of three types of agents is foreseen: (1) the beneficiary companies, which will receive help to incorporate the digital solutions, (2) the digitizing agents, who will provide the corresponding services or install the corresponding solutions and (3) the collaborating entities, which in the name and on behalf of the awarding body will collaborate in the management of the aid.

The beneficiary must use the aid granted, whose collection right is called “digital bonus”, in contracting one or several digitization solutions from those available in a Catalog of Digitization Solutions of the Program collected on the Acelera pyme platform, formalizing for this Agreements for the Provision of Digitization Solutions with the Affiliated Digitizing Agents.

To this end, the Program's Digitization Solutions Catalog will offer mechanisms to process requests from entities that want to play the role of Adhered Digitization Agent and so that they can transparently publish the reference to their offer of digitization solutions so that are accessible to beneficiaries.
